Vale Feira: find out about the benefit and find out how to receive it!

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Brazil has a large number of people who are classified as “in a situation of social vulnerability”. This is something sad and something we need to turn our attention to. After all, we need to demand public policies that help reverse this situation. It is with this objective that projects such as Vale Gás, Auxílio Brasil and Vale Feira were created.

Many people have the sad view that these projects were developed to support people who don't want to work. However, it is important that the true reason for the existence of these projects is disclosed: to provide conditions so that people can fight for a better life.

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After all, we know that if a person does not have the financial means to buy a decent meal, it is difficult for them to be able to look for jobs. If she doesn't work, she can't sustain a minimally dignified life. Furthermore, unemployed people create economic problems for the country. Therefore, these benefits are necessary.

Do you know Vale Feira?

valley fair
(Reproduction: Itu City Hall)

The benefits that are developed by the Government have different objectives. Some have more general objectives. However, some, like Vale Gás, have more specific objectives. In the case of the benefit we will talk about today, Vale Feira, it is a benefit with a very specific purpose and already detailed in the name itself.

Fairs are traditionally held monthly. Some families hold their markets on a weekly basis. However, monthly is cheaper. You can buy more food for less than what you would be spending if you held your market every week.

In this way, Vale Feira gives you an amount that must be spent monthly on food from your fair. In other words, we are talking about a program that has, as a pillar, the transfer of income for needy families to be able to complement their market with healthy food.

We also understand that the amount distributed by Vale Feira is not high. However, the objective of Vale Feira is not to fund the entire family fair, but rather to enable an increase. Therefore, the Government hopes that this amount will be able to help families buy more healthy food, thus helping public health.

After all, public health cannot be achieved just with doctors available at clinics. To achieve efficient public health, it is also necessary to think about food, mental health, basic sanitation and many other important factors. In this way, the importance of Vale Feira is visible.

What is the value of the program?

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(Reproduction: Itanhaém City Hall)

Vale Feira is not widely publicized. Therefore, some people still have doubts about the amount deposited monthly into your account so that you can spend it at your fair. Therefore, I consider this to be an important topic for you to stay informed about the program.

It is worth remembering that Vale Feira is not one of those programs that are regular throughout Brazil. Therefore, there may be some changes depending on the state in which you live. There are states that carry out a transfer of R$50.00. However, other states make a transfer of R$100.00.

Your first thought upon seeing this value would probably have been that it is impossible to buy an entire fair with the values described in the previous paragraph. However, I reiterate that the objective of the Vale Feira program is not to pay for an entire fair, just to help supplement it.

How do I receive Vale Feira?

The first step for you to be eligible to receive the value of the Vale Feira program is to be registered in the Cadastro Único. CadÚnico is a database used by the Government to obtain a reflection of the country's socioeconomic situation. Furthermore, it is also used to filter who should receive social benefits. 

There are some important criteria used by the Government to select the people who will benefit from Vale Feira. However, the main prerequisite that you must know is that your Single Registry must be updated. It is recommended that you update at least every 24 months.

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If you are already registered in the Single Registry and your information is up to date, now you just have to wait for your city hall to contact you if your family benefits. Municipalities are making the program available little by little, so it may take time.

How do I use Vale Feira?

Unlike benefits such as Auxílio Brasil, Vale Feira is not a traditional transfer program, in which you receive an amount in your bank account and can spend it as you wish. The beneficiary of the program must receive the amount in the form of ticket.

Therefore, the ticket It must be used in specific establishments that accept the benefit. There are some establishments known for offering products in exchange for ticket, as Americanas Supermarket, iFood Mercado, Marche Mercado, Americanas Mercado Delivery It is St Marche Market. But don't worry, your city's CRAS will inform you which establishments accept the benefit.

What is Single Registry?

single registration
(Reproduction: Social Development)

You have seen that having a registration in the Cadastro Único is essential to be able to have a place in social programs such as Vale Feira, Vale Gás and Auxílio Brasil, as well as many others. Furthermore, it is also important to be registered in the Single Registry to receive aid at public colleges.

However, not everyone knows what this famous Single Registry is about, so I will explain it to you in this topic. The Single Registry is nothing more than a database that is used for the Government to understand the socioeconomic situation in Brazil. But it is also used to achieve 

The Single Registry has a good facility so that everyone can register easily. However, there are some prerequisites. An interesting point is that you can pre-register using your cell phone. This way, in-person registration will become much easier.

Another point that you should pay attention to is that you must bring specific documents to be able to register. If you don't have your registration, take advantage and Click here to read everything about the Single Registry. The article is about another topic, however, we clarify everything about this database that you will use to receive the Vale Feira benefit.