Big Brother Brasil: find out how to sign up for the reality show!

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Brazil is becoming a true powerhouse when it comes to entertainment. In fact, we have always had admirable quality in national productions. However, we are seeing that national companies are developing content that really competes with productions from large companies, such as Netflix It is HBO.

Of course, companies need to act wisely. After all, there is no point in copying productions that are successful on international platforms. Companies need to look for content that makes sense in Brazil. We can say that one of the contents that companies have noticed is successful are reality shows, such as Big Brother Brazil It is On the edge.

Big Brother Brazil
(Reproduction: Atlântico Seguros)
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Both reality shows mentioned in the previous paragraph are from the Brazilian broadcaster Globe. This broadcaster is responsible for several successful programs, such as Secret Truths It is Brazil Avenue. However, we can safely say that the reality show Big Brother Brasil, popularly called by its acronym, BBB, is one of the broadcaster's most popular productions.

Meet Big Brother Brazil

The reality show Big Brother Brasil was first shown in 2002. More specifically, on January 29, 2002. The reality show was so successful that the second season was shown in the same year. However, Globo started to standardize just one season per year from the third season onwards.

The presenter who became most famous (and loved) on Big Brother Brasil was Pedro Bial. To this day, it is possible to see some of his striking scenes through social networks such as Instagram and Twitter. However, the other presenters were received with great joy by the public.

The program consists of a group of participants who are confined in a cinematic house. In Big Brother Brasil, participants need to be completely disconnected from the outside world. Therefore, there is no access to the internet or any means of contacting friends, family and fans.

Participants are monitored 24 hours a day. Therefore, anyone who is a fan of the program will be able to follow the events at any time of the day. Currently, transmission takes place via Globoplay, Globo's streaming platform that allows live transmission of some channels and specific reality shows, in addition to on-demand content.

Since the contestants are watched throughout the day, fans of the show get a good idea of who they really are. Therefore, in events pre-defined by Globo, fans can vote through the GShow which participants want to take away from the reality show. In other words, the popular vote decides who leaves, as well as deciding who wins.

Sign up for BBB 23!

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(Reproduction: Senhor Finances)

Big Brother Brasil, in addition to being a reality show that will allow you to get to know yourself in a truly unique way, is also a program that allows you to become a millionaire. After all, the prize is a truly absurd amount of money that will allow you to transform your life.

The dream of thousands of Brazilians is to be able to participate in the program. After all, the prize could solve most of your problems. Furthermore, just participating in the program could transform your life. After all, we can see some participants who didn't win, but who became true phenomena on the internet.

We live in a time where many stars emerge on social networks like Instagram. Therefore, appearing on Big Brother Brasil can guarantee you the acquisition of millions of followers. Which will later allow you to advertise on your profile. Therefore, you can also earn a lot of money.

Including famous artists (who are from the Cabin) also participate in the reality show.

Registration for Big Brother Brasil takes place by region. Therefore, if you are from the northeast, you must choose the northeast option on the registration page. The same happens with all regions of Brazil. You will answer some questions and new questions and interviews should happen as you move through the stages.

Normally, Globo uses the platform GShow to select people who are interested in participating in your programs. It's no different with BBB. Therefore, if you want to register, you must click here or use Google to find the registration page for Big Brother Brasil.

Once you click, the page will appear where you must choose the region in which you were born. If you were born in one region, but now live in another, choose the region where you live. You need to keep in mind that thousands of people signed up for the program. But, have willpower and faith, maybe you will be the next millionaire. 

You will be informed about all the precautions you should take. However, I make it clear that it is important to maintain confidentiality. If you proceed to the next steps, if any information about your possible participation is leaked, you will be eliminated from the process. So keep it as secret as possible. Imagine losing a chance like that because of leaked information.

Meet the last 3 winners

BBB23 1
(Reproduction: Entrance Exam Strategy)

If you are selected, it is important that you act naturally on the reality show. After all, everyone hates robotic participants, who only imitate old winners. However, we will tell you who the last winners of Big Brother Brasil were so that you have an idea of what usually works on the reality show.

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Arthur Aguiar

Arthur Aguiar was the winner of Big Brother Brasil 22. The actor and singer started the program with a disadvantage: his personal life outside the program was not very pleasing to his fans. However, his performance and the way he maintained his stance despite having many people against him meant he managed to win the program.

Juliette Freire

Juliette Freire was one of the great examples of humility that existed within the reality show. Juliette also started with a bad image, however, she quickly transformed and today she is the participant who has achieved the most fame within Big Brother Brasil. So she really turned the tide.

Thelma Assis

Thelma, or rather. Dr. Thelma was the winner of Big Brother Brasil 2020. The doctor was not involved in major discussions nor was she the subject of major moments on the reality show. However, the firmness with which she remained in the program drew attention. Furthermore, the doctor's fighting history is impressive and helped her earn her place among the winners.