Traveling is truly one of the best ways to invest your money. After all, buying clothes or other items are immense pleasures, but buying tickets for travel means developing new memories that can make you happy for a long time. Whenever you remember these trips, you will smile. Therefore, we will teach you how to buy cheap airline tickets LATAM.
We know that, unfortunately, air tickets are still very unaffordable, causing many people to cancel their dreams of traveling. However, there are strategies that were developed especially for those who want to save money on travel. We already taught you how to buy cheap bus tickets, but now we're going to teach you how to buy cheap LATAM airline tickets.
How to buy cheap LATAM airline tickets
Our platform already has a track record of helping our readers save money. In fact, we have already shown the best apps to watch movies and series for free (click here to find out), but today we focus on helping you travel using LATAM services, but paying a price well below normal.
Discount coupons
When the printed newspaper was one of the main means of sharing information, many companies published discount coupons on the most popular pages of the newspapers. Currently, coupons still exist, but we have better ways to use these coupons and get great discounts.
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LATAM itself may be one of the best alternatives for finding these coupons. After all, the company has a habit of sharing some promotions on its social networks (such as Instagram and X). Therefore, the company itself can be your alternative to finding cheap LATAM airline tickets.
However, there are some apps that are dedicated exclusively to finding coupons and discounts for certain products. Airline tickets are also targets of these coupons. One of the apps we most recommend for those who want to buy cheap LATAM airline tickets is Méliuz.
Méliuz has an easy-to-use interface, meaning that many people can become users even without having experience purchasing items online. The interesting thing is that you can install a plugin in your browser. If you install the plugin, Méliuz will notify you about discounts.
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If you want to become a Méliuz user to access discounts, then you can do so easily by downloading it from the main app stores. If you use Android, click here to download from Google Play Store, but if you use iPhone, click here to download from the App Store.
LATAM credit card
Few people know, but LATAM developed a credit card to also participate in the financial lives of its customers. The company joined the Itaú, one of the largest banks in Brazil, to launch a credit card with special benefits for those who are passionate about traveling.
The LATAM card is called Multiplus Itaucard 2.0 Platinum Mastercard. In addition to the benefits that LATAM provides to card customers (such as special promotions that can reach a discount of 50%), we also highlight that the card delivers the benefits of the Mastercard brand.
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This article was written especially to show you how to buy cheap LATAM airline tickets. If you liked it, take the opportunity to read some of our other free content, such as our article teaching how to watch Formula 1 through apps.