Find out how to check your score on Serasa!

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Find out now how to check your score on Serasa and how to know if it's a good score!

Nowadays, it is normal for everyone to have access to a credit card. After all, digital banks have made credit cards accessible. Previously, only those with higher financial conditions had access. After all, paying those bank fees was a cost that not everyone was willing to pay.

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In this way, digital banks solved this main problem: they reduced fees to zero. Now, you can have free access to different functions that previously only existed in those large banks that charged very high fees. Therefore, it is interesting that you know some interesting points about your credit cards, such as the score.

Score is a term used in different contexts. However, the score of your bank accounts is like a score that is the result of your financial life and your commitment to your finances. Therefore, having a good score can help you achieve some interesting goals in your life. We'll show you how to check your score on Serasa.

What are the advantages of having a good score?

how to check your score on Serasa
(Reproduction: meutudo.)

You already understand that score is something important for you who have an active financial life. However, you may be wondering why you would strive to maintain a high score. Therefore, we are going to list some incredible advantages for you to keep an eye on.

Negotiate debts

We hope you never have problems with your debts. However, it is something that could happen. Therefore, you may need to negotiate your debts. This way, it is very likely that you will get much better negotiation conditions if you have a high score. This happens because your high score shows the financial market that you are a responsible person with your finances.

Lower fees and payment terms

When you request anything from a bank, they need to analyze the risks. The truth is that banks do not even release R$2.00 without believing that they will get that money back. Therefore, if you have a high score, the financial institution will understand that the risk of loss is lower.

In other words, it is very likely that you will get better payment terms and much lower rates. This happens because it is in the interest of banks to keep good payers as their customers. After all, they don't want people who just accumulate debt and make their relationship with banks difficult.

Get approved for credit cards

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(Reproduction: Olhar Digital)

We currently have a large list of digital banks for you to become a customer. Additionally, you may also be interested in more traditional banks, if it is advantageous for you. However, how are you going to be approved in these financial institutions, even the newest ones with innovative proposals?

These institutions need to have confidence in you and believe that you will be a good customer. This will be checked through your score. Perhaps your low score is one of the reasons your credit card has such a low limit. Therefore, increasing your score may give you a much higher credit limit.

Less bureaucracy 

Bureaucracy is necessary, unfortunately we cannot escape it. However, even large companies know that it is annoying and that if possible, the best option would be to get rid of it. Therefore, if your score is high, it is very likely that financial institutions will reduce these bureaucracies as much as possible. After all, if you are a good payer, they can trust you more.

How do I get a high score?

Now that you know the main advantages of having a high score, you're probably eager to do everything you can to increase your score. Therefore, you need to know some good practices that will be essential for you to get your score up there.

First, it is interesting that you know how to check your score on Serasa. After all, maybe your score is already high and you don't even know it. If you don't know how to check your score on Serasa, don't worry, as we'll show you later in this article.

I believe you already understand that the score is a reflection of the financial habits of the individual in question and how they behave in this market. Therefore, having habits such as paying your bills on time is essential to increasing your score. Therefore, if you have a lot of debt, it will probably be more difficult to maintain a good score.

How to check your score on Serasa

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(Reproduction: Folha)

As mentioned above, knowing how to check your Serasa score can help you organize yourself financially. Therefore, pay attention to the guidelines so as not to miss any important steps. Also, take the opportunity to save this article in case you need it again.

If you have a cell phone with an Android operating system (such as Samsung, Motorola, LG and others) or iOS (Apple's iPhone) it will be of great help in being able to check your score. The first step will be to download the app from your device's app store. If you use Android, CLICK HERE For download. But if you use iPhone, CLICK HERE For download.

Were you able to download? If yes, you will now sign up for the app. Therefore, you will need to provide your CPF (acronym for individual registration) and an access password. If you are worried, know that the Serasa app is reliable. Therefore, you can enter your CPF in the application.

Now that you've created your account, everything will be easier. Just open the main page of your application and you will be able to see your score. Now that you know how to check your score on Serasa, you need to know if your score is good. After all, you need a good score to have the advantages mentioned above.

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According to the most recent updates from Serasa, a score considered low is from 0 to 300 points. A regular score is from 301 to 500. Good is from 501 to 700. Finally, very good is from 701 to 1000 points.

Now that you've seen how to check your score on Serasa, you know what the advantages of this are and which classification your score falls into, you're ready to look for the advantages that a good score can offer you.