The terms of service below govern the use of services available on the O Seriador Tech portal, which belongs to O Seriador Tech, a company registered under CNPJ No. 48.066.410/0001-61, and are used by users. For the purposes of these terms of service, when “O Seriador Tech”, “we”, “our” or “ours” is mentioned, we are referring to the O Seriador Tech portal.
On the other hand, when “user”, “you”, “your”, “client” or “your” is used, we are referring to the holder of the collected data.
Our website is a credit card content aggregator and recommender of credit card related content for our users. This service is offered free of charge to all users who access our platform.
1 – Access and Use of Services
Initially, to use the Services provided through O Seriador Tech, User registration and/or registration is not required (considered Open Services). However, O Seriador Tech also offers some Services where the User is required to sign up and/or register for their use (considered Closed Services).
To access the Closed Services, when filling out the registration and/or registration forms, the User must provide information as part of the process. The User agrees and declares that this information provided is true and correct, and it is their responsibility to keep all information updated on our portal. On the contrary, the User will be responsible for false or incorrect statements provided that cause damage or loss to O Seriador Tech or third parties.
If the user is a minor, they must refrain from using our platform and ask their parents or guardians to use the platform, services or products. Becoming fully responsible for all acts carried out by the minor, as well as for the contents and services accessed and/or used by the minor.
The User hereby agrees and undertakes to use the Services correctly, only for the permitted purposes, in accordance with the provisions of this Terms of Service, the Terms of Use and other notices and instructions prepared by O Seriador Tech, in the legislation in vigor and with morals and good customs, as well as agreeing and committing in any capacity:
- a) not access, or even attempt to access, any Service or environment by any means other than through the interface provided by O Seriador Tech, including through automated means.
- b) not participate in any process or activity that interferes or interrupts the functioning of the Services, Servers and even networks connected to the O Seriador Tech Services.
- c) not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, commercialize or resell the O Seriador Tech Services for any reason, unless specially authorized by virtue of a contract signed with O Seriador Tech.
However, the User agrees that he is solely responsible for any failure to comply with his commitments and obligations with regard to the Terms and for everything exposed above, recognizing that O Seriador Tech has no responsibility towards him or any third party, responding to the User for all consequences, such as loss, damage or harm that O Seriador Tech and/or third parties may suffer, resulting from non-compliance.
2 – Privacy policy
All information regarding user privacy protection can be found in the O Seriador Tech Privacy Policy.
3 – Terms of use
All information regarding user terms of use can be found on the Terms of Use page on our website.
4 – External Pages
OO Seriador Tech does not control the External Pages, therefore it does not guarantee, nor assumes any type of responsibility for any losses, damages and losses of any nature arising from: the operation, availability, accessibility or continuity of these pages; maintenance of services, information, data, files, products and any type of material on external pages; the provision or transmission of services, information, data, files, products and any type of material on linked sites; of the quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the Services, information, data, files, products, and any type of material on the External Pages.
5 – Change in terms of Services
We are always looking for the best for our users and customers, so, from time to time, O Seriador Tech may change the Terms of Service.
Therefore, the user must constantly consult the Terms of Services page so that, if they disagree with the change, they can contact O Seriador Tech or simply discontinue using the platform.
6 – Applicable legislation
This Terms of Service is governed by the legislation in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil. Any controversy that must be discussed in court must be judged by the law of this country and in its courts, with the city of Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte, being chosen as the only competent forum.
7 – Contact us
You can speak to O Seriador Tech via email: [email protected], Telephone: 11 933 012 858 whenever you have any questions or need to contact our team.
It is important to be aware and check that the Terms of Service are the most up-to-date version when browsing our platform.
It is a great pleasure for O Seriador Tech to respond to all contacts.
Last updated: December 12, 2021
Last updated: 10/08/2022
The Tech Series