How to learn to crochet online: the 4 best apps!

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If you already know our platform, then you know that we have a serious commitment to education and we always want to bring new learning. In fact, we have already taught how to make money online using artificial intelligence. This time, we will teach you how to learn to crochet.

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People use the internet to consume different types of content, such as watch series and movies or else to follow sporting events, such as football. But few people know that you can learn a lot on the internet, like learning to crochet.

how to learn to crochet
(Reproduction: Pexels)

Of course, there are other different types of knowledge that you can acquire using your cell phone, tablet or laptop. For example, if you Click here, you can take a free electronics course to become a more qualified professional.

Find out how to learn to crochet

If you are reading this article it is because you want to improve your crochet skills online. Therefore, we will show you some simple ways to learn crochet online. Let's give preference to free ways to acquire the knowledge you so desire, after all, we have a lot of free and quality content on the internet.


O YouTube is the video platform for Google. You may already know, even if superficially, this platform. After all, there are a variety of ways to use YouTube. Currently, many people are using the platform to consume the famous format podcast, in programs like PodDelas or PodPah.

Several artists (almost all) use YouTube to share their music in audios and music videos. However, the platform was also responsible for helping thousands of people acquire new learning, whether to take a test at school or to improve their skills in a new profession.

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(Reproduction: App Store)

YouTube is a free platform and only charges for some additional features, such as making download videos or watch in the background, and of course, no ads. But if you just want to watch the content to learn how to crochet, you won't need to pay any money for it.

Specific channels 

Now that you know YouTube, you need to know specifically how to learn to crochet using the app. Your main action should be to look for channels that focus on your crochet activities. In addition to being able to learn how to crochet, you will also be able to learn new techniques to improve your existing skills.

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One of the most recommended channels for those looking to learn new crochet techniques (and learn from scratch) is Crochet Blog. Through this channel, you will be able to access various content to learn new techniques.

In fact, as soon as you open the channel, you will come across some very interesting content, such as videos teaching cell phone holders through crochet, bags and even crochet wallets. In other words, if you want to learn crochet and even turn this passion into a profession, this channel will be of great help.

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(Reproduction: Pexels)

Another channel that can teach you the basics of crochet is Crochet and Amigurumi – Aline Martins. There you will find detailed video information on how to perform certain actions in crochet. It will certainly be a very interesting way to improve your knowledge or start from scratch.

How to download?

If you use an Android device (such as Motorola, Samsung, Asus and others), you don't need to worry, as the YouTube application is usually installed from the factory on these devices. But you may need to do the download if you are an iPhone user. Just click here to download it to your iPhone directly from the App Store.

Love Circle 

The application Love Circle, unlike YouTube, is focused on those people who are passionate about crafts. This application is considered the first Brazilian app focused on crafts. Therefore, you can consider that by downloading the app, you will not only be helped, but you will also be supporting the crafts community in our country.

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We know that not everyone finds it easy to use applications available on their cell phones, which is why we chose this app to make up our list because it is simple and intuitive, anyone will be able to use its functions without major difficulties. If you feel any limitations, just try using the app for a while and you will be able to get used to the interface.

In general, we can define Love Círculo as an online collection in which people who want to learn crochet or improve their skills will find exclusive materials to expand their knowledge. Because it is available on your cell phone, you will have easy access and will be able to study wherever you are.

How to download?

Downloading this app is not complicated, as you can open the app store on your cell phone and search for the app. But we'll make it easier for you: if you use iPhone, just click here to download the app; but if you are an Android user, just click here to do the download directly from the Google Play Store. 

O will be our third recommendation on this list. After all, the app deserves to be here for the simple fact that it has already helped thousands of people develop incredible crochet techniques, making it one of the best ways for you to learn how to crochet.

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(Reproduction: Pexels)

You will be able to expand your knowledge about crafts, as through the portal, you will be able to learn more about crochet, custom and also about amigurumi. The process of learning something new is not always easy, but the fact that the portal has images that facilitate the process is quite facilitating.

Therefore, if you have difficulty learning text-only commands, know that this alternative has learning through audiovisual stimuli so that your learning is truly optimized.

Amigurumi Today 

Finally, let's talk about the Amigurumi Today, which is a way for you to learn advanced crochet techniques. If you are still starting your crochet studies, it may be better to use some of the examples we mentioned above, and only then reflect on the more advanced techniques.

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(Reproduction: Pexels)

Amigurumi are those crochet dolls, so, naturally, they are more difficult to produce. The interesting thing is that you can use crochet dolls as a source of income, as it is quite common to see people interested in buying amigurumis for decoration or as gifts for friends.

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Amigurumi Today teaches techniques through video classes, and to the delight of users, the classes manage to eliminate the vast majority of doubts that arise throughout the learning process. Therefore, if you already have advanced knowledge of crochet, this is likely to be a really interesting alternative.

How to download?

If you are interested in this application to improve your crochet knowledge, then know that you can download it to your cell phone very simply and quickly, as just click here to download it to your iPhone from the App Store or Click here to download on your Android from the Google Play Store.

Did you like the information?

This article was written especially for those who want to know how to learn how to crochet online. If you liked it and want to know how to acquire new knowledge through the internet, just Click here to learn for free how to learn to knit online.