Team Credit Cards: Discover the 6 main ones!

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Team credit cards are the newest cards with personalized benefits for each fan to get closer to their favorite team and contribute to the team becoming even stronger, by opening an account with one of the team's sponsors and partners you can contribute to the team's earnings and have unlimited benefits.

See also: Smiling Brazil: Everything about, advantages and benefits!

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Credit cards are part of Brazilians' daily lives, it is difficult for anyone not to have at least one, paying bills and making purchases is easier when you have the card and many advantages can be enjoyed when choosing the right card to be part of your credit portfolio, there are many options and it is up to you to choose the one that best suits your profile.

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With the advancement of credit card benefits and the sponsorship of large banks, it has become common to find team credit cards that allow you to access advantages with a points club with your team or even discounts at partner stores. We have separated for you the main team credit cards and their benefits so that you can choose wisely.

Times credit cards 

Team Credit Cards can give you enormous advantages to accumulate points that can be exchanged for products, trips, discounts and many other benefits depending on the credit card you choose and your customer profile. Continue reading to learn about the main cards and their benefits:

Bradesco – São Paulo Futebol Clube Visa Gold

The first card team credit to be mentioned is the São Paulo team card São Paulo, the team's sponsor offers customers who already have a Bradesco Gold card to change to the team's card with the Gold flag. There are some rules that need to be followed, including being over 18 years old and minimum income of 4 thousand.

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You main benefits of the card is its rewards program, your purchases become prizes that can be collected from partners, in addition to extended warranty insurance, price and purchase protection, your annual fee costs just R$180.00 and is divided into 12x of R$15.00, Click here to request your Bradesco card 

BMG – Galo Mastercard Card

Another of the team Credit Cards, the Galo Card is a card available through BMG bank, the card has the Mastercard Standard brand and one of its advantages is the free annual fee, in addition the bank does not inform the minimum income you need to have to apply for it and You have benefits such as 24-hour service and international coverage.

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When we say that by having team Credit Cards you can help your favorite team, this can be used as a great example, to get an idea in 2020 with registrations from fans, the team received R$ 1,000,000.00 and with the money the Training Center can have a large investment, to request your card access here

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BRB- BRB Flamengo Internacional Card

Credit card that every Mengão fan needs to have, it is a great acquisition and has several advantages which I'm sure you'll love, this is one of the team Credit Cards offered by BRB that has benefits that are worth having in your wallet.

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To have the card, your minimum income needs to be just R$ 1050.00, the annual fee for the first year is free and you can maintain it depending on how much you spend on the card, in addition you score 1 point for every dollar spent, mengão loyalty program, withdrawals 24 hours, and payment via Samsung Pay available, perfect isn't it, Click here to order yours.

BMG – Corinthians Card

It's Corinthians' turn and fans can rest assured as it has many benefits for you to have yours and support even more one of the biggest teams in São Paulo, to apply for the card it is not necessary to prove income, the bank carries out a credit analysis on the market and If approved, it can be used both nationally and abroad.

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The digital account is completely free, with no fees and free annual fees, in addition you can receive cashback of 0.20% worth of purchases made using credit and 0.10% on purchases made using debit, if you take the amount into account here is a tip worth millions make your purchases on credit and use the money to pay later, as the cashback is greater, don't miss out and order your card now.

Bradesco – Palmeiras Visa International

Another of Bradesco bank's team credit cards, the Verdão card has the Visa brand and is accepted abroad and nationally, the greater the expense, the greater the amount your team will earn by having you as a great partner, the annual fee for the first year is free and after this period it costs 4 x R$ 37.80.

Team Credit Cards
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O card has other benefits such as protection against loss and theft, you don't need to be a Bradesco bank account holder, participation in Club programs that can become prizes and you don't need to have more than the minimum wage to have your favorite team's card, Click here to request your verdão credit card

See also: Vale Feira: find out about the benefit and find out how to receive it!

Digi + – Visa Platinum Cruise 

The cruise card has the Visa Platinum brand through the Digi+ digital bank, you do not need to have a minimum income and your annual fee is 8x R$ 40.00.

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It also has international coverage, 24-hour service, travel medical insurance and even personal concierge assistance, don't miss out and ask for your card now. Click here

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I hope you found your favorite team among the Team credit cards mentioned, if you haven't found it, comment on your favorite team and we can do another article with teams not mentioned. Take advantage of being here for Team Credit Cards and Visit our website to see other articles, rest assured you won’t regret it, until next time!