Feirão Serasa 2023: Find out how the event can solve your debts!

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Brazil is full of incredible talents and people who are willing to fight for their dreams. However? We know that it is not always possible to achieve your goals due to the social inequality that is spreading in the country. In this way, debts end up preventing many Brazilians from achieving their goals. O Serasa Fair can help you with some of these demands.

Feirão Serasa was developed with the idea of being an event that will truly helping people achieve their goals by understanding opportunities to negotiate your debts, and in this way, being able to clear your name to obtain credit in the market. In other words, through Feirão Serasa it will be possible to find new opportunities in the market as a whole.

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We have previously talked about a number of topics, including about featured movies, but talking about Feirão Serasa is essential on this platform, mainly due to the transformative power of social point of view that this event may have. Therefore, enjoy each of the information that will be transmitted below.

What is Serasa?

Feirão Serasa is a Serasa initiative. Therefore, to understand the real objective of this event, it is essential that you are able to understand what the company’s objectives are as a whole. Therefore, let's present a little about Serasa and its pillars.

Serasa is a private company that gathers data from defaulting customers of banks and other financial institutions. It was created in 1968 by the São Paulo State Bank Association and the Brazilian Federation of Bank Associations. Serasa is responsible for carrying out research and analysis on individuals and legal entities that are in financial debt.

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Serasa also offers services for consumers, such as free CPF consultation, debt negotiation, positive registration, credit score and fraud monitoring. Serasa has been part of the Irish Experian group since 2007 and became known in Brazil as Serasa Experian.

What is market credit?

One of the main points of Feirão Serasa are the attitudes that, as a result, will allow you to have credit in the market to use for different objectives. However, many do not even know what credit is in the market and what it is for, so we will talk about this topic below.

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(Reproduction: Pexels)

Credit in the market is the ability to obtain financial resources to purchase goods or services, without having to pay immediately. Credit can be granted by financial institutions, such as banks, or by other companies, such as stores and telephone operators. Credit is a form of financing that allows the consumer or company to anticipate their consumption or investment, with the promise of returning the amount borrowed with interest within a specified period of time.

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Credit is of great importance for the economy, as it stimulates consumption, production and development. Credit facilitates access to goods and services that would not be possible otherwise, such as buying a house, a car, a cell phone or a trip. Credit also helps to supplement the income of people and companies, allowing them to realize their projects and dreams.

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(Reproduction: Freepik)

However, credit also involves risks and responsibilities. The consumer or company taking out credit must be aware of their payment capacity and plan their budget to honor their commitments. Otherwise, you could enter into a default situation, which damages your reputation in the market and makes it difficult to access new lines of credit. Furthermore, credit can generate excessive debt and compromise the borrower's financial health.

Therefore, it is important to know the different types of credit available on the market and choose the one that best suits your needs and conditions. There are several types of credit, such as credit cards, special checks, personal loans, real estate financing, payroll loans, among others. Each of them has its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, such as interest rate, term, guarantees and allocation of resources.

What is Feirão Serasa?

Feirão Serasa is an initiative of Serasa Experian, a company that offers credit solutions and consumer protection. The objective of Feirão Serasa is to facilitate debt negotiation between defaulting consumers and creditor companies, offering discounts of up to 99% and special payment conditions.

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(Reproduction: Freepik)

Feirão Serasa takes place periodically, usually on commemorative dates or in times of economic crisis, and covers several segments, such as banks, financial institutions, credit cards, stores, telephone, internet and electricity. To participate in Feirão Serasa, the consumer needs to access the website or the Serasa app, register for free and check the offers available for your CPF. Then, he can choose the best option for his pocket and generate a bill to pay off the debt.

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Feirão Serasa is an opportunity for consumers to clear their name, recover their credit and regain access to financial products and services. Furthermore, Feirão Serasa contributes to the movement of the economy and the reduction of defaults in the country.

Feirão Serasa takes place every year, usually between the months of November and December. In 2023, it will take place between the 1st and 30th of November, throughout Brazil. To participate, simply access the Feirão Serasa website or download the Serasa app on your cell phone. There, you will find more than 50 partner companies that are willing to negotiate with you. They are banks, stores, telephone operators, electricity, water and gas companies, among others.

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(Reproduction: Pexels)

To find out if you have any debt with these companies, you need to register for free on the Serasa website or app. Then, you will see all your debts and the offers available to pay them off. You can choose the best option for your budget and generate a bill to pay in cash or in installments. Payment can be made at any bank or lottery outlet.

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But be careful: offers are limited and may vary according to the company and consumer profile. So, don't waste time and take advantage of this opportunity to get out of the red and start 2024 on the right foot!

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This article was created with the aim of helping our readers understand more about Feirão Serasa 2023 and how this event can help resolve their financial issues. If you liked it, Take the opportunity to read our article about apps for watching TV online or about apps to follow football via your cell phone.