Vale Gás | Find out if you are entitled to the program!

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Everyone knows that cooking gas is expensive (and feels it in their pockets). But did you know that there is a benefit, called Vale Gás, given by the federal government that helps low-income citizens buy their cooking gas? 

This benefit was created with the intention of helping to reduce the damage caused by the crisis we are facing in the country, especially in one of the products that has increased the most in value: cooking gas. The goal is for you to arrive at the end of the month calmer.

Vale Gás | Find out if you are entitled to the program!
Reproduction image: Bolsa do Povo
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Want to know more about Vale Gas? How does it work and if you have the right? So below you can find all the information about this opportunity to ease your pocket.

What is Vale Gás and how does it work?

Vale Gás is a benefit for cooking gas that is provided by the Ministry of Citizenship and distributed by the CAIXA bank with the aim of helping needy, low-income families who are having difficulty feeding themselves with dignity. 

With Vale Gás, thousands of Brazilian families get the right to receive at least half (50%) of the cost of cooking gas, helping them to maintain food at home with less risk of running out of money at the end of the month.

Who is entitled to Vale Gás?

To access Vale Gás, you and your family must meet certain requirements, in order to only offer this benefit to those who really need it:

  • You and your family are registered with CadÚnico;
  • Have a family income of one minimum wage or less.

In addition to meeting the first requirements, if this benefit cannot be offered to everyone registered, there are preferences for families with the following backgrounds:

  • Families with a larger number of members (people);
  • Families that receive other types of government benefits such as Auxílio Brasil;
  • Families that have women who have been victims of domestic violence and/or have protective measures in place.

Do you meet these requirements? Are you on the preferred list? If this is your case, you are eligible to request this voucher. Below, we will provide some more information that will help you in this process until you request this benefit.

How do I make my CadÚnico account?

CadÚnico is not decisive for your family to actually obtain Vale Gás, as it is not by signing up for the program that the amount will automatically be deposited into your account, however, it is a great help both for this assistance and for others that you may request. .

To create your account at CadÚnico, it's simple, all you need is a representative of your admittance to go to the CRAS closest to your city, carrying original documents from each of your family members and a few other documents, such as:

  • CPF;
  • Voter registration card;
  • RG;
  • Work card;
  • If married: birth certificate.

Once there, upon presenting your documents, a social worker will conduct an interview with basic questions and at the end the interviewee signs a document proving participation in the interview.

After this, your data will be entered into the CadÚnico digital system and an identification number called NIS will be generated. With this number you will be able to register for government programs and aid.

How do I know if I am enrolled in Vale Gás aid?

Many people have doubts about whether they are still enrolled in the Vale Gás aid, because the amount is only deposited every 2 months, but the criteria and families that receive the aid are reevaluated at all times. This indicates that your family may no longer be registered.

To prevent you from simply no longer receiving the benefit, there is the option to check if you are selected: just check through the app BOX Has, via the Auxílio Brasil app, or by calling 111 (Andimento CAIXA) and 121 (Ministry of Citizenship).

My Vale Gás account was suspended…what now!?

As previously stated, Vale Gás aid is subject to changes in registered families at all times. The selection of families is done automatically and according to each person’s data in the system.

It is necessary to always update your data and verify it to remain active in the program. Unfortunately, if your account has been suspended, it is not possible to recover the lost amount from other months. 

If you still wish to receive assistance, the only option is to wait for a new selection from the Ministry of Citizenship for Vale Gás assistance and try again.

How is Vale Gás paid?

Payment of Vale Gás aid is carried out in the same way as most other aid, such as Auxílio Brasil. There are a few ways to withdraw payment:

  1. CAIXA savings account;
  2. Social platform;
  3. Digital social savings;
  4. Lottery houses;
  5. Directly at CRAS or the sector responsible for the aid. 

Through the app you can check the value and the nearest pickup location. This way you guarantee that you will receive your benefit.

Final considerations 

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