Discover 03 apps to find out the baby's sex without leaving home!

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Having children is an important phase in the lives of human beings. Of course, not everyone wants to go through this phase, but the vast majority end up going through it. If you don't want to, be careful not to get pregnant without planning. But if you want, we even have some apps to find out the baby's sex that will help you a lot.

We are part of the team that argues that technology has absurd power and that this power should be used to make our lives easier. We know that science has evolved in an absurd way and that programmers can use this science in conjunction with technology to develop applications that make our lives easier.

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There are applications that can help us in different situations in our lives. In fact, when we want to check our benefits and rights, we have apps for that. When we want to listen to music, we have that too. So, let's add one more important app to your list: baby sex app.

Discover apps to find out the baby's sex

(Reproduction: Alta Diagnoses)

If you are reading this article, there is a good chance that you are pregnant, or are the partner of someone who is. If this is the case, I congratulate you and wish the child good health. However, maybe you're just a curious friend who's wondering what the sex of a close friend's baby is.

As we know that you are probably very curious to know what the sex of this baby is, we are going to list three applications so that you can use technology to your advantage to get this information. In addition to the name of the applications, we will also help you and point out where you can download each of them. 

Before starting, we already said that the applications will not guess anything. You will be required to enter a set of information within the application. Based on this information, the applications will use what science has already collected about pregnancy to determine what your baby's sex is likely to be.


apps to find out the baby's sex
(Reproduction: Your Health)

If you already have children or are dreaming about it, then you may already be familiar with the Pampers brand. However, what few know is that this is a brand that also invests in technology. In fact, the brand developed one of the main apps for finding out the baby's sex on the market.

You will download the Pampers app through the app store on your cell phone. If it is Android, you will download it from the Google Play Store, or CLICKING HERE. But if you use an iPhone, you will download it from the App Store. Or CLICKING HERE. Did it go down? Now let's move on to the next step.

Having downloaded the app, you will now answer some questions that make up a questionnaire. This questionnaire contains questions about nausea, heart rate, cravings, and belly shape. The app even takes your opinion into account: does your intuition tell you it will be a boy or a girl?


The Babycenter app is used to monitor pregnancy from the beginning. Therefore, it is a great alternative for future mothers. However, if you are specifically interested in the function of telling you the baby's sex, know that this application will be able to help you well.

Using the app is even easier if you are already a user. However, don't worry, you can join the tool from today too. We already told you that it is one of the best apps for finding out the baby's sex, so it will work like the previous one: you will provide information and it will return the baby's probable sex.

To start, it will be important that you download the app. If you use Android, you will need to download it from the Google Play Store. However, the application is also available for iPhone, however, you can download it from the App Store. CLICK HERE to download for Android or CLICK HERE to download for iPhone.

Boy or Girl Calculator

The Boy Girl Calculator is a web portal that uses Chinese pregnancy charts to provide you with the results. According to the portal, it states that it can show what the baby's sex will be just by knowing the mother's age and the lunar month in which the child was conceived. 

Just like the previously mentioned applications, Calculadora Menino ou Menina uses information that you will need to enter, but not exactly the same. Unlike the others, it is not a cell phone application. Therefore, CLICK HERE to access the website.

What is the best app?

Netflix 1
(Reproduction: Genera)

You may have noticed that we present three (03) apps to find out the baby's sex so that you can decide which one is best. They all have differences between them, ranging from functions, interface and even the way they use to calculate the probability of being a boy or a girl.

Therefore, we recommend that you think carefully about the qualities of each one and decide which one best suits your style. However, if you can, I recommend that you try all of the ones we listed. Therefore, you will have the results of all three and will still be able to evaluate which is the best.

+ Discover these apps to listen to music for free!

If you do this and actually use them all, take the opportunity to comment if they all gave the same result, or if any had problems or were difficult to use. After all, you are helping other readers to know everything about apps to find out the baby's sex.

Did you like the tips?

We researched and selected three apps to find out the baby's sex so that you can satisfy your curiosity and find out the baby's sex without having to leave home, using just a few pieces of information. Our goal is to be able to help you get this information without having to go through any problems or nervousness.

However, we still emphasize that it is essential that you go to the doctor, not only to find out the sex of the baby, but also to be monitored throughout this process, which is, of course, very important. Always remember to take care of your health and the health of your baby.

If you liked the material, take the opportunity to share it with your friends through social networks. I'm sure someone will be interested in finding out their baby's sex through the information provided to the apps.